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Static Electricity - Part 2









Static Electricity.

It hurts.



• Know that there are two types of charges – positive and negative.




• Be able to state which combinations of charges will attract, and which will repel.




• Be able to explain what is meant by positively charged, negatively charged, and neutral.













Task 1 - Starter





Think hard!



Looking good!





Find someone who knows:




1) What is a conductor?


2) What is an insulator?


3) How can we charge an insulator?


4) Can you explain how static shocks occur?





Your teacher will tell you which questions to discuss.













Task 2 - Two types of charge




Hands up!




I know the answer!



There are two types of charges - positive and negative.  Your teacher will show you some demonstrations to illustrate:




• Which combinations of charges attract.


• Which combinations of charges repel.


• Which type of charge is light and easy to transfer.


• What is meant by the terms positively charged, negatively charged, and neutral (uncharged).












The simulation below shows how a balloon can be charged with static electricity.




Rub the balloon on the jumper.  What happens?  How do the charged objects affect each other?


Thanks to PhET for this awesome simulation :)



HTML5 technology!  Woop Woop!




 Browser doesn't support HTML5?



Use the Java version instead! :)







Check compatibility.




Note: The embedded version of this applet (above) may not work with Internet Explorer.  Click the image below to load the simulation instead or use an alternative browser.











Task 3 - Explaining your ideas



Charge that balloon!



Draw a series of diagrams, showing how a balloon can become "charged up" by rubbing it on a jumper, and how the transfer of charges leads to the two objects attracting.  Write a detailed caption by each diagram.




When you have finished, complete the text below by filling in the missing words.










1) The two types of charge are ___________ and __________.



2) __________ charges are much smaller and lighter than _________ charges.



3) Charges can be transferred between insulators by _________.



4) If an object has _________ numbers of ________ and _______ charges it is 'uncharged' or 'neutral'.



5) An object with an ________ of positive charges is 'positively charged', and an object with an excess of ________ charges is negatively ________.



6) Opposite charges __________ and like charges ___________.









Now complete the table:




Combination of charges

Attract or repel?

positive and positive


negative and negative


positive and negative





These tasks are available here  as a worksheet, in word document format.













Task 4 - Practical




Charged up!




Charge a polythene rod or balloon, using a cloth.  Try placing your charged rod or balloon near to:




• An aluminium can.

• A gentle stream of water.

• Very small pieces of paper.

• The wall of the science lab (use a balloon!)







Hands up!



How can a charged object attract a neutral object?




Discuss in pairs how you think this can happen.





Your teacher may ask some of you to share your ideas with the class.

















Task 5 - Plenary




Electrostatic levitation!





Your teacher will show you how to use static electricity to make things levitate, by demonstrating either a Magic Fun Fly Stick or a Wanderama.














Homework video




The video below shows you how to make your own static flyer, using items from around your home!






How to make a static flyer :)











Homework task




A static flyer in action!





Try making a static flyer, by following the instructions in the video*.




Write a paragraph to explain how the static flyer works, and draw a diagram to illustrate your ideas.




You could bring in a picture or video of your static flyer in action, to show your teacher and classmates.



Video can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdA6zgLHPws


The homework task will be available here as a word document, at some point...